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About the Artist

I am an Acrylic Portraitist residing in Alabama with my husband and our lively baby girl.


Creating captivated me at a young age—My very first works being illicit crayon murals in clandestine closets. While I like to think I’ve come a long way since then, I try to maintain a childlike approach in my creative process.


I’m not a stickler for rules or form. I paint what I love, what I’m longing for and what may very well be out of reach. The work is a bounty produced by an intimate exchange with the Ultimate Creator. Each painting, my prayer. The collection I'm currently working on is a thanksgiving for a prayer answered—the gift of our joyful daughter.


 If you would like to talk about collaborating, or if you have a specific project you would like to propose, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address below.



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